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First, you get the e-book edition of Joseph Farah’s critically acclaimed book "The Gospel In Every Book of the Old Testament."
While other books have explored various glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament, this one is different – seeking out and finding the redemptive message of the Gospel in all 39 books of the original Hebrew Scriptures.
That's why it has been characterized as a "breakthrough Bible book" by some of the many Christian luminaries who have warmly endorsed it, including Franklin Graham, Mike Huckabee, Greg Laurie, Eric Metaxas and many others.
The secret to finding the Good News everywhere throughout the Old Testament, says Farah, can be found in the way Jesus Himself characterized His message throughout the gospels of Matthew and Mark, calling it "the Gospel of the Kingdom." This messianic Kingdom – in which the entire world is restored to the way it was intended before the fall of mankind – is often overlooked, the author says, as a key part of the Gospel message, which is more often associated solely with the all-important call to personal salvation.
Thus, not only is this book a convenient and unique reference for book-by-book study of the Hebrew Scriptures, it also provides a fresh look at the complexity and fullness of the Good News Jesus and the Apostles preached in the Greek Scriptures. There are 39 chapters in the book, each one devoted to finding and documenting the Gospel in each book of the Old Testament – from Genesis to Malachi.
What does it mean that the Gospel, so often associated exclusively with the New Testament, is pervasive throughout the Old? It is stunning evidence, the author suggests, that all 66 books of the Bible, though written over the course of 1,500 years by about 40 different people, represent a fully integrated, singular, cohesive and miraculous message.
Next, you’ll receive the digital edition of the truly groundbreaking Whistleblower issue exposing, perhaps for the first time, "WHAT’S REALLY BEHIND THE TRANSGENDER CRAZE?" It gets to the bottom of today’s shockingly widespread campaign to indoctrinate, seduce, groom and flat-out RECRUIT America’s children into the dark world of transgenderism. The whole unbelievable story – including the underlying reasons, almost entirely unreported elsewhere, for what amounts to the most massive child sexual abuse campaign in American history – is fully explored in "WHAT’S REALLY BEHIND THE TRANSGENDER CRAZE?"
You’ll also get the digital edition of the stunning Whistleblower report, "ELITES FINALLY REVEAL THEIR #1 ENEMY: CHRISTIANS." It reveals how the political, cultural and sexual revolutionaries responsible for all of America’s current chaos and madness have finally dared to “come out” and publicly identify exactly who they really consider to be their biggest enemy: Bible-believing, Judeo-Christian morals-affirming Christian believers – the kind who founded America, wrote her Constitution, and defended her with their lives for centuries. It’s exposed more clearly than ever in "ELITES FINALLY REVEAL THEIR #1 ENEMY: CHRISTIANS."
Next, you’ll get the digital edition of "THE ELITES’ ALL-OUT WAR ON FREE SPEECH," Whistleblower’s exploration of the bizarre new lexicon conjured up by America’s elites, the SOLE PURPOSE of which is to discredit and ridicule – and if at all possible, censor entirely – speech that doesn’t support their increasingly dark and deranged agenda. In the greatest imaginable irony, the nation once boasting the most robust culture of freedom of speech and the press – undergirded by the strongest constitutional protections for those rights – is now ground zero for a total war on free expression. It’s all explained as never before in "THE ELITES’ ALL-OUT WAR ON FREE SPEECH."
Finally, you’ll get the digital edition of "TRIBULATION AND REDEMPTION IN AMERICA: How today’s breathtakingly corrupt politics and culture invite personal and national recovery." For decades, the United States of America has been under covert, slow-motion assault by the revolutionary Left, a religious-political movement fundamentally at war with both Christianity and America. During this time of genuine tribulation and even persecution, how should moral, right-thinking Americans, who work hard, love their country, honor its history and obey its laws – and who don’t pretend there are dozens of new genders and that America is a despicable racist hellhole – now respond? That’s the all-important question answered in "TRIBULATION AND REDEMPTION IN AMERICA."
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