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Readers routinely describe WND’s popular monthly Whistleblower magazine using phrases like “a light in a dark world,” “a breath of fresh air” and “dead-on and razor-sharp.” Talk radio hall-of-famer Barry Farber even called it “incredibly brilliant.” However … it also costs money to subscribe – and many people, especially in today’s era of Bidenflation, are reluctant to risk the subscription cost or even the single-copy price to try it out.

But how about this? Right now, to introduce more people to Whistleblower, WND readers can get FOUR sensational Whistleblower issues in the state-of-the-art digital edition  all for a grand total of $1.

That’s right – $1. And if after 30 days of enjoying these four power-packed issues, you decide you want to subscribe and get the next 12 monthly issues coming to you, we’ll charge your credit or debit card for the discounted annual subscription price of just $24.95. And if you decide not to subscribe, just let us know by phone or email and you won’t be charged anything (see details below).

Long relied on by thousands of WND readers, Whistleblower provides some of the best, smartest and deepest insights into a nation, culture and world spinning totally out of control. At a time when one major political party has essentially gone mad – openly championing policies that are not merely insane, but suicidal – and yet most of the news media wildly cheerlead these ever-more-extreme progressive mass delusions, Whistleblower is one of the very few places to get a large and reviving dose of rare truth, insight and solutions every month. Subscriptions also provide essential financial support to WND, the pioneering online news organization under brutal assault from many directions, especially from today's far-left Big Tech internet gatekeepers.

So here’s the deal: As soon as you place your order today for only $1, we will immediately email you the digital editions of the current issue, as well as our most recent three issues, all on electrifying topics no one else covers like Whistleblower.


Here's a look at the four issues you'll get:


MAKING AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN! How Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Food are making Americans overweight, addicted and chronically ill

"Make America Healthy Again," the new Trump administration agenda inspired and led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., couldn't be more vital – indeed, crucial – considering the alarming decline in Americans' health. Consider:

* The U.S. is in the grip of a full-blown obesity epidemic, with well over 200 million Americans – including millions of children – being overweight or obese. According to the CDC, over 40% of adults in the United States are clinically obese, in stark contrast with the 1950s, when approximately 10% of U.S. adults were obese.

* The number of American children and adults with autism spectrum disorders has exploded, rising by 175% over just the last decade. One out of every 36 children in the U.S. has been diagnosed with autism, up from 1 in 44 as recently as 2021. In contrast, during the 1950s, autism was virtually nonexistent, afflicting between 0.01% and 0.05% of Americans born during that decade.

* Early-onset cancer cases rose almost 80% over the last three decades and show no signs of slowing down. One major 2022 study reveals the incidence of early-onset cancers – including breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, liver and pancreas – has been dramatically increasing since around 1990.

* A staggering 38 million Americans are suffering from diabetes, a number expected to increase to almost 55 million in the next five years. During the late 1950s, the prevalence of diabetes in the U.S. was estimated to be 9 cases per 1,000 people, for a total of 1 million cases.

What's going on? Why is the health of Americans degrading so radically? With the rapid growth of knowledge and technology, including medical technology, one might expect the exact opposite to be the case – that everyone's health would be ever improving.



CHRISTIAN AMERICA AT THE CROSSROADS: Will the freest nation on earth embrace spiritual revival … or death?

Despite Donald Trump's stunning re-election victory, America remains engaged in what amounts to an ongoing civilizational war. A war not merely political in nature, but cultural, ideological, psychological and ultimately spiritual – a long-term struggle between forces of decency, morality and sanity on one side and astonishing deception and evil on the other.

And to jump right down to the bottom line: It is the Christian church in America that will either win or lose this war. After all, while their numbers have somewhat declined in recent years – casualties of the ongoing war – fully two out of every three Americans today, 68%, identify themselves as Christians.

But that statistic itself forces troubling questions:

If the overwhelming majority of Americans are Bible-believing followers of Jesus, how then can it be legal in such a de facto Christian nation to amputate the breasts and sexual organs of literally thousands of confused children who are being encouraged, from many directions, to believe they're "trapped in the wrong body"? How can it be legal to butcher thousands of beautiful, sacred, fully formed, pain-feeling human babies only weeks before they would have been born? How can "After School Satan Clubs," sponsored by an explicitly satanic organization, be permitted within public schools across the land? How can the nation's toddlers be subjected to "drag queen story hour" events at public libraries, during which they're required to sit at the feet of demonically possessed men dressed as women – and sometimes dressed as demons – who seduce and corrupt these innocents by regaling them with exciting tales of heroic homosexual and transgender youths?

While Christians are winning a few crucial battles – most critically, the life-or-death re-election of Donald Trump – they are losing most others. In truth, many Christians are either entirely absent from the battlefield, or worse, have sided with the enemy.


"If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." – 2 Chronicles 7:14

Americans recently found out what can happen when tens of millions of normal, decent, patriotic, God-fearing citizens fervently pray to Almighty God to have mercy on their beloved but wayward nation – and to save them from falling under the excruciating rule of deranged sociopaths obviously in the grip of very dark forces.

Indeed, most Americans understood they were close to losing, perhaps forever, the greatest and most abundantly blessed nation in history.

Here's how Christian broadcaster and bestselling author Eric Metaxas put it one day after a would-be assassin in Butler, Pa., shot Donald Trump, hitting him in the ear while missing his skull by literally half an inch – and only because Trump suddenly turned his head 90 degrees at the exact right moment:

"I have said repeatedly for months that those who hate Trump would stop at nothing to make sure he doesn't get back in to the White House, including trying to assassinate him. I have also said God's hand is on him, and would protect him, if God forbid someone did try to do that. Last night we saw that happen. His survival was nothing less than a miracle. So be assured that God is not finished with this nation.

"But we need to pray," Metaxas urged. "We are in an existential crisis, and without God, this experiment in self-government will not continue. But it is God's will that it continue. So please pray."


Imagine this. You're blessed to live in the freest, most powerful nation on earth, where citizens actually get to choose their leaders and their nation's future direction.

A uniquely historic election is just weeks away, and your two choices for leader – and your nation's future – couldn't possibly be more different.

One leader candidate promises to halt the ongoing, full-scale foreign invasion of your country, which the current leaders have not only allowed, but invited and enabled. Incredibly, over 10 million illegal aliens from all over the world have walked unimpeded into your homeland, including countless terrorists, drug-dealers, sex traffickers of women and children, violent gangs, mental patients and criminals, powerfully fueling your nation's current twin epidemics of violent crime and drug-overdose deaths. Recent official government statistics reveal the "undocumented migrants" invading your country include over 13,000 convicted murderers.

Promising to definitively end the current ruling regime's suicidal immigration policies, this leader candidate commits to finally securing the border with both a physical wall and maximum law-enforcement presence – while implementing the largest mass deportation of illegal aliens in the nation's history.

This same candidate also promises – based on decades of executive-level negotiating experience, personal strength and sound policies – to regain the lost respect of world leaders, both friend and foe, thereby serving as a powerful force not just for preserving your nation's peace and security, but world peace as well. This candidate likewise promises to restore your nation's ailing economy and reverse the most devastating inflation in 40 years, which is rapidly impoverishing tens of millions of citizens.

Remarkably, there's very little doubt this particular candidate can make good on all of these life-saving promises, having actually accomplished virtually all of them while serving as the nation's president just a few years ago.

Now, what about the other candidate?



America in late 2024 has become a surreal, almost phantasmagoric drama of shocks, horrors and wonders – including a widespread conviction that Almighty God Himself reached down and dramatically saved Donald Trump from an assassin’s bullet that came within a fraction of an inch of blowing the former president's brains out.

All the surrounding chaos – Joe Biden being forced out of the 2024 presidential race, leaving radical leftist Kamala Harris as the Democrats’ nominee; the ongoing full-scale invasion of America by millions of illegal aliens including myriad drug dealers, sex traffickers, mental patients, gang members, criminals and terrorists; skyrocketing crime, inflation, and every other societal horror, all shepherded, nurtured and funded by the Biden-Harris regime – continues to ravage the nation.

Thus, good Americans desperately, yet hopefully and prayerfully, look to November’s election as their one doorway to national survival, sanity and restoration.

But there's a problem.

However unspeakably bad everything has gotten during the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, one reality remains unchanged: Today’s far-left Democratic Party is single-mindedly obsessed with retaining and expanding its power, no matter what. And that means Democrats, in close collaboration with the Deep State, the legacy news media, Big Tech and other corporate allies, will do absolutely anything and everything within their power to rig, corrupt and steal the 2024 election.

OFFER DETAILS: For this very special $1 offer, you will receive FOUR digital issues of Whistleblower. If after 30 days of enjoying these four issues you wish to receive digital Whistleblower every month for the next year, do nothing and your credit or debit card will be charged the discounted annual subscription rate of only $24.95. (There's no risk, because at any time you can cancel your subscription for a full refund on the unused portion.) If you don't want to subscribe, simply cancel by calling 816-220-0359 or by emailing within 30 days after signing up for this special $1 offer.

Please note: If you like the free issues and do subscribe to digital Whistleblower for one year, when your subscription eventually expires, you'll receive a renewal notice from us. To keep digital Whistleblower coming at that point, do nothing and we'll renew your subscription automatically at just $24.95 by charging your credit or debit card. Or just go online or call and cancel if you wish. As always, there's never any risk, as you may cancel at any time for a full refund of the unused portion of your subscription.



In the secret thinking of America’s ruling elites, dominated as they are by today’s ever-more deranged and totalitarian Democratic Party, absolutely nothing is more valuable, indispensable and life-giving to their great cause than the January 6, 2021 “armed insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol.

It’s irrelevant to them that the events didn’t come remotely close to constituting an actual “insurrection” by any legal or historical definition, nor was a single demonstrator inside the Capitol armed with a firearm.

Rather, what has become clear over the last three years is that a group of Trump supporters, convinced for very good reason that the recent election – and therefore their country – had just been stolen from them, gathered outside the Capitol to protest. Also in the crowd, it turns out, were a large number of undercover FBI assets, informants and agent provocateurs – at least 200, according to House Homeland Security Committee member Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana, who has seen all the evidence. Some of these “undercover assets,” reveals Higgins, were dressed up as Trump supporters and positioned within the Capitol building before any demonstrators were allowed in. Proof, says Higgins, of epic “entrapment” by the Deep State, since the FBI could have just left the Capitol doors shut instead of opening them wide and waving in Trump supporters, hundreds of whom would later be arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned.