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Whistleblower (DIGITAL) - February 2017

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ENDING THE INVASION: Americans must regain control of their borders now—or lose their nation forever

Of all the irrational and destructive trends gripping America in recent decades—from ever-expanding government funded by unrepayable debt, to a godless culture that glorifies wanton sexual anarchy, to universities acting as far-left brainwashing centers—none is more disastrous, indeed suicidal, than the way America deals with the issue of immigration.

That is why President Donald J. Trump—echoing Ronald Reagan, who said "A nation that cannot control its borders is not a nation"—has, from the very start, made immigration his signature issue.

Indeed, Obama-era federal immigration policy has exerted a profoundly negative impact on virtually every other big problem America faces—from an increase in homicides, rapes, robberies, assaults and shootings in her cities, to corruption of her election system, to ever-more-frequent Islamic mass-terror attacks within the U.S., to a degradation of the American identity itself.

And nowhere is the truly calamitous and suicidal nature of America's immigration policy laid out with more eye-popping clarity that in the pages of Whistleblower magazine's February issue, titled "ENDING THE INVASION: Americans must regain control of their borders now—or lose their nation forever."

Despite widespread denial among the elite of government, academia and the press, the evidence of looming disaster in America couldn't possibly be more obvious—or ominous:


  • Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the infamous mass-murdering "architect of 9/11" incarcerated at Gitmo, has revealed that mass terror attacks were never Islamic terrorists' main strategy for destroying America. The only "practical" way to ultimately defeat America, KSM says, is through immigration and by "outbreeding non-Muslims."


  • Much of Europe, from France to Germany to Sweden, is now so devastated by a massive and never-ending influx of migrants from Muslim nations as to be arguably beyond the point of no return. Likewise, in America, following post-Christian Europe's lead, mosque-building since 9/11 has almost tripled, with the number of Islamic centers jumping from 1,209 in 2000 to an estimated 3,186 by 2015. Law enforcement unanimously pinpoints mosques as the No. 1 venue for radicalization of Muslims into mass-murdering jihadists.


  • A new report by the respected government watchdog group Judicial Watch reveals that jihadists are partnering with Mexican drug cartels along the U.S.-Mexican border, preparing to carry out precision attacks in American cities.


Highlights of "ENDING THE INVASION" include:


  • "America's most urgent problem" by David Kupelian, who shows how today's insane immigration policy "represents the zenith of the left's national self-hatred"


  • "Why building the wall is so important" by Joseph Farah, who says, "We can screen and frisk little old ladies all day long at our major airports and fool ourselves into thinking we're protecting ourselves"


  • "The stealth invasion of America" by Leo Hohmann, who proves America's suicidal immigration policies really are destroying the greatest nation on earth


  • "How to tell if your neighborhood mosque is radical" by Garth Kant, documenting the radical and alarming upsurge in construction of Islamic centers within the U.S. since the 9/11 attacks


  • "Islamic terror cells shift from Mideast to U.S.-Mexican border" by Leo Hohmann, on new report that jihadists "are only waiting for the order" to attack American cities


  • "Does Christian compassion conflict with national security?" by Art Moore, exploring the biblical call to "welcome the stranger" in an age of civilizational jihad and terror


  • "9/11 mastermind: 'Immigration' is key to defeating America"—revealing that mass-murderer Khalid Sheikh Mohammed admits the only "practical" road to conquest of America is "to fill the country with like-minded Muslims through easy immigration laws and by having babies"


  • "Obama dumped post-9/11 Muslim registry just before leaving office"


  • "Sessions promises to enforce the law" by Jeff Sessions, attorney general of the United States. Before becoming Trump's attorney general, the Alabama senator spelled out how to end America's immigration nightmare


  • "Trump's '10 Point Plan to Put America First'"


  • "The root of our problem—and the only lasting solution" by David Kupelian. Like everything else in America, today's immigration system has been infected with "multicultural madness"


  • "The courage to differentiate between immigrants" by Thomas Sowell, on the fact that some newcomers seek to transform America into the very culture that led them to flee.


"Leaving the doors to our national home unlocked and flung wide open—with a sign welcoming the most unfit and incompatible people, inviting them to come into our home, live off of us and prey on our family—represents the zenith of the left's national self-hatred and rebellion against traditional American values and sensibilities," said bestselling author and Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian.

"America's immigration problem has to be fixed now," Kupelian added, "or as President Trump has said repeatedly for the better part of two years, 'We won't have a country.'"