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Whistleblower (DIGITAL) - July 2012

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WHY OBAMA LIES: Exploring what's behind the president's glaring and unprecedented dishonesty

Barack Obama's America is eerily reminiscent of "The Emperor's New Clothes," where almost everybody sees the truth about their leader but is afraid to say it out loud.

The truth, in this case, is that the current occupant of the White House lies about virtually everything of importance to Americans. Barack Obama has lied about his birth, his childhood, his education, his influences and associations, his religion, his accomplishments, his policies, his true beliefs and his plans for America's future. In fact, after more than three years as president, Obama's lying has become so embarrassing and undeniable that the only defense his supporters have is to change the subject or to claim "Republicans do it too."

But as documented in the scorching July issue of WND's monthly Whistleblower magazine—titled "WHY OBAMA LIES"—America has never seen a chief executive misrepresent the truth as deliberately, recklessly and effortlessly as this one.

"WHY OBAMA LIES" features eye-opening and sometimes startling analysis from several different psychiatrists as to what has led to the president's extraordinary dishonesty—which Pulitzer prize-winning columnist George Will recently referred to as "Barack Obama's intellectual sociopathy—his often breezy and sometimes loutish indifference to truth." The issue examines in depth some of his most explosive and consequential deceptions. And, just in time for the summer election campaign season, Whistleblower features a comprehensive and mind-boggling listing—running throughout the entire magazine—of Obama lies, each followed by proof of the statement's falsehood.

"Regardless of one's political affiliation or worldview," says Whistleblower editor David Kupelian, "it will be nearly impossible to read Whistleblower's July issue on "WHY OBAMA LIES' and not conclude that the current president has virtually no regard for honesty and truth."

Highlights of "WHY OBAMA LIES" include:


  • "Understanding why Obama lies" by David Kupelian, exposing what's really behind the president's obvious and unprecedented dishonesty


  • "CAUGHT RED-HANDED: OBAMA'S PROVEN LIES"—a comprehensive listing of Obama's most egregious whoppers, including proof of their falseness


  • "Meet the original "birther'" by Joseph Farah, who reveals the surprising answer to this question: Which world-famous leader has claimed for years that Obama was born in Kenya?


  • "Obama just caught in really big lie" by Aaron Klein, on just-uncovered documents confirming that Obama was a member of a socialist party—something he explicitly denied during the 2008 campaign


  • "Thoughts on lying and President Obama" by Lyle H. Rossiter Jr., M.D., in which the veteran forensic psychiatrist explains why he believes Obama has developed into such a disturbingly dishonest person


  • "4 lies about the economy Obama needs voters to believe" by Larry Elder, who lays out the key truth hurdles Obama must jump over to win re-election.


  • "Obama's lies about American oil" by David Limbaugh, on why we are always kept in an "energy crisis" mentality, despite the fact that energy experts affirm the U.S. has five times as much recoverable oil as Saudi Arabia


  • "Falsifier-in-chief" by Ben Shapiro, who explains the implications of Obama's disturbing boast in his memoir "The Audacity of Hope": "I serve as a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their views"


  • "When a terrorist ghost-writes your "autobiography,' you lie about it" by Art Moore, on the now-overwhelming evidence that Pentagon-bombing communist Bill Ayers worked closely with Obama on his celebrated autobiography, "Dreams From My Father"


  • "So who wrote Obama's love letters?" by Jack Cashill, highlighting the very latest instance in which the press, despite all evidence to the contrary, keeps alive the absurd myth of Obama's literary genius


  • "The best politicians are shameless liars" by Thomas Sowell, on why it's so easy for elected officials to hoodwink voters with promises


  • "The president's Obamacare lies" by Dr. James Dobson, in which the evangelical leader and clinical psychologist vows civil disobedience rather than personally funding abortions under Obamacare: "Come and get me if you must, Mr. President. I will not bow before your wicked regulation"


  • "Why we believe "big lies'" by David Kupelian, identifying the magic ingredient that makes outrageous falsehoods so believable.

"I predict this issue of Whistleblower will become one of the key tools in the effort to defeat Barack Obama this November," says WND founder and CEO Joseph Farah. "All those who read "WHY OBAMA LIES' will—whether they like it or not—be forced to admit he's basically a really big liar."

For a 12-month subscription to Whistleblower, click here.