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Whistleblower (DIGITAL) - April 2013

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STRESSED AND DEPRESSED: The unreported health crisis of the Obama era

"I think Obama is challenging everybody's sanity," Rush Limbaugh exclaimed recently. "Obama [is] literally pushing people to snap, attacking the very sanity of the country!"

Rush may be on to something—because a little-reported but crucial aspect of America's ongoing "fundamental transformation" is that the sheer stress of life is driving tens of millions to illness, depression and self-destruction. It's all documented in the groundbreaking April issue of Whistleblower, titled "STRESSED AND DEPRESSED: The unreported health crisis of the Obama era."

Just consider the latest stunning trends:

  • More U.S. soldiers died last year by suicide than in combat, and suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death in America;


  • Eleven percent of all Americans aged 12 and up are taking antidepressants, and a stunning 23 percent of all American women in their 40s and 50s—that's 1 in 4—are now on the controversial psychiatric meds with their "suicide" warning labels and spooky correlation with school shootings;


  • The CDC now tells us 1 in 5 high-school-aged American kids has been medically diagnosed with ADHD, and in New York City 1 in 5 preteens—children aged six to 12—is diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder!


  • New studies show stress plays a major role in the progression of cancer as well as heart disease, America's two biggest killers;


  • Fully one-third of the nation's employees suffer chronic debilitating stress, and more than half of all "millennials" (18-to-33-year-olds) experience a level of stress that keeps them awake at night, including large numbers diagnosed with depression or anxiety disorder.

What's going on? Why aren't today's incredible scientific and technological innovations reducing Americans' stress? Why doesn't the almost-magical availability of the world's accumulated knowledge, thanks to the Internet, make people more enlightened and happy? Why is it that, instead, more and more Americans are so stressed out as to be on a collision course with illness, misery, tragedy and death?

Most important, what can people do to reverse course?

Fortunately, alongside telling the previously unreported story of Americans being driven over the edge in large numbers, Whistleblower also delves into the very best and most proven means of successfully dealing with stress. It focuses on providing help and direction to readers determined to remain happy, healthy and whole regardless of how crazy the culture and predatory the government become.

Highlights of "STRESSED AND DEPRESSED" include:

  • "Suicide in the age of Obama" by Joseph Farah, on why government can never help us become happy and whole


  • "Americans 'snapping' by the millions" by David Kupelian, a comprehensive overview of the astonishing toll stress is taking in today's America, including astronomical levels of depression and suicide—as well as an in-depth look at the most important and proven ways to successfully deal with stress


  • "How stress feeds cancer" by science journalist David DiSalvo, on a new study that demonstrates the "vicious cycle of stress and cancer progression"


  • "Why Chuck Norris is never depressed," in which "the toughest man in the world"—six-time, undefeated, world karate champion plus TV and movie star Chuck Norris—shares his personal list of the top 12 ways to live a happier, fuller life.


  • "The 10 most stressful jobs"


  • "PTSD on the mean streets of Chicago" by Art Moore, providing a close-up look at what stress did to one police officer, who committed suicide after being "overwhelmed" by seeing, over and over, the gruesome impact crime is having on children


  • "Coping with the blues in red-state America" in which author Tim Daughtry, with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology, highlights one deadly Obama-era syndrome that conservatives must avoid at all costs


  • "Doctor warns: Obama taking over psychiatry" by Lee Hieb, M.D., in which the surgeon/author sounds the alarm over a new and dangerous weapon in the hands of government


  • "Doctors, drugs and demons" by David Kupelian, on why so many Americans today are labeled "mentally ill"


  • "Surviving life's shipwrecks" by Greg Laurie, in which the respected mega-pastor discusses how to deal with the very worst life can throw at you


  • and more.

"This is a very valuable issue of Whistleblower," said WND Managing Editor David Kupelian. "It not only reveals the hidden underbelly of America's ongoing 'transformation' and the toll it is taking on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, but it also focuses on providing real hope—and help—for good Americans living through a turbulent and dangerous era."

For a 12-month subscription to Whistleblower, click here.