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Whistleblower (DIGITAL) - November 2015

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TRANS-MANIA: The left's latest—and strangest—war on reality and normality

"Trans." "Transition." "Fundamental transformation."

No question about it: The Obama era is one of "trans"-everything, and America and her population are indeed being transformed. But into what?

Clearly, those on the political and cultural left long ago "transitioned" to a lawless, godless reality where massive theft is "justice," killing babies is "choice," rampant sexual anarchy that destroys minds, bodies, souls and families is "freedom"—and increasingly, madness is sanity.

Now, the November issue of WND's acclaimed Monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled "TRANS-MANIA," vividly explores what it calls, "The left's latest—and strangest—war on reality and normality."

"If you're a man like Bruce Jenner but feel you should be a woman," says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, "today you can just proclaim yourself a woman—no plumbing alterations necessary. If you're white but would rather be black, proclaim yourself black—and you are. Sort of. You could even become a black leader, as Rachel Dolezal did. Same with wanting to be a Native American. Feel it, claim it, and you are 'it.'"

"Unfortunately, 'it' gets crazier," adds Kupelian. "If you have been blessed with 20-20 vision but deep, unshakable feelings tell you you're supposed to be blind, or if you're able-bodied but feel strongly that you should be disabled, reality can be gruesomely altered to satisfy those dark, irrational feelings you have determined represent the 'real you.'"

And that's just the beginning. Join in for a fascinating tour of the delusional world now overtaking many Americans and, ominously, being encouraged and enforced by a government and culture gone mad.

Highlights of "TRANS-MANIA" include:


  • "FIRST WORDS" by David Kupelian


  • "The 'trans'-formation of America" by David Kupelian, on how denying reality—and desperately trying to change it—has become a national obsession


  • "Doctors urged to amputate healthy limbs"—on "transabled" people who, as one expert put it, "want to be paralyzed or they want to be blind or deaf"


  • "Willful blindness" by Laura Hollis, who says Americans "need to stop calling voluntary self-mutilation 'bravery.' It is mental illness"


  • "Why is Rachel D. less 'authentic' than Barry O.?" by Jack Cashill, who says Matt Lauer's question of Dolezal should be asked of Barack Obama!


  • "Top American Indian scholar outed as fake" by Blake Neff, who says: "She's a famous 'Cherokee intellectual'—except she's not!"


  • "Messing with Mother Nature is all the rage" by Joseph Farah, on how "transhumanism is upon us in search of immortality—and ending 'climate change'!"


  • "Twisted! TV execs bent on transgenders" by Greg Corombos, on today's entertainment elite who "think they can transform society and transform social attitudes"


  • Air Force relaxes the rules for transgenders


  • "Media blitz aims at 'normalizing' transgenderism" by Leo Hohmann. "If you can destroy what it means to be a woman or a man, the whole country is up for grabs"


  • "'Ey' vay! Mind-boggling new pronouns for guys, gals and other people" by Paul Bremmer, in which experts claim the gender issue in today's America has descended into "social madness"


  • "The Rachel Dolezal-ation of the Oregon killer" by Larry Elder, who asks: "If Obama is 'black,' why isn't mass shooter Chris Harper Mercer?"


  • "Major U.S. companies go nuts for 'gay' rights" by Leo Hohmann, on how all your favorite companies are now pushing for sweeping changes for homosexuals and transgenders


  • "Transhumanism: Man's new quest for immortality" by Steve Elwart, a stunning look at a science fiction world rapidly becoming our reality


  • "Scientists: We can mind-wipe your belief in God" by Douglas Ernst, on research results showing that following a new "treatment," "people were less inclined to reach for comforting religious ideas"


  • "Reality? How yesteryear" by Walter E. Williams, in which the columnist and author, now identifying as a springbok, warns readers against "animalphobia."

"Once upon a time we recognized REALITY as something distinct from fantasy and delusion," observes Kupelian. "Today, for many this distinction is not only gone, but more to the point, it is irrelevant. What you think or feel you are, you are. Even worse, increasingly, anyone who refuses to play along with your delusion is a 'bigot' and a 'hater'—maybe even a criminal."

Nevertheless, he concludes, "there is still hope! There's a way out, which we delve into in November's Whistleblower. I urge readers to get 'TRANS-MANIA,' read it, and share it with others!"

For a 12-month subscription to Whistleblower, click here.