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Whistleblower Digital Version - March 2021

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About this month's issue: WHISTLEBLOWER – March2021


In “1984,” George Orwell’s famous novel about a nightmarish future society, the main character Winston Smith runs afoul of the ruling “Party” for insisting that “two plus two make four.” Only after being tortured by those in power does he come around to agreeing that, of course, “two plus two make five.”

America in 2021 has become Orwell’s “1984” – and nowhere more so than in the nation’s schools.

In New York City, math education Professor Laurie Rubel claims the whole notion that “2+2=4” is one that “reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.” How is that remotely possible? As the Brooklyn College prof explained in a tweet: “The idea that math (or data) is culturally neutral or in any way objective is a MYTH. … Along with the 'Of course math is neutral because 2+2=4' trope are the related (and creepy) 'Math is pure' and 'Protect math.' Reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.”

Likewise, in Oregon, the state’s education department is promoting “A Pathway to Math Equity,” intended to train public school teachers in how to “dismantle racism in mathematics instruction.”

“We see white supremacy culture show up in the mathematics classroom even as we carry out our professional responsibilities,” declares the teachers’ guide. “The concept of mathematics being purely objective is unequivocally false. … Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuate objectivity as well as fear of open conflict.”

Most Americans would describe the notion that mathematics is “racist” as completely insane.

Meanwhile, Rutgers University recently determined that speaking and writing English correctly is – just like math – also totally racist. The school’s English department is altering its grammar standards to “stand with and respond” to the Black Lives Matter movement and emphasize "social justice" and "critical grammar" over irrelevancies like correct spelling and grammar. The English Department is even offering an internship titled "Decolonizing the Writing Center" to make writing “more linguistically diverse."

To recap: Insisting that two plus two equals four and that there are correct and incorrect ways to spell, write and speak English are indicative of “white supremacist patriarchy” and a need for “decolonization.”

This is just a small taste of what is overtaking the nation’s educational system – which, truth be told, amounts to the Marxist indoctrination of America’s children.

It’s all documented in the sensational new issue of WND’s monthly Whistleblower magazine, an issue titled “BRAINWASHING AMERICA’S NEXT GENERATION.”

(Important editor’s note: Due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to skip the February issue of Whistleblower. However, please rest assured that all subscribers will still receive a FULL 12 ISSUES in their subscription. So, nothing to worry about. Thanks for your patience and understanding!)


  • “‘Two plus two equals five.’ Orwell’s ‘1984’ is here” by David Kupelian


  • “Prof. Carol Swain: The left is targeting K-12 after 'destroying' higher education” by Art Moore, in which the “1776 Commission” member calls education the civil rights issue of the 21st century


  • “Trump’s ‘1776 Commission’ promoting ‘patriotic education’ killed on Day 1 by Biden”


  • “I’m a former teacher. Here’s how your children are getting indoctrinated by leftist ideology” by Douglas Blair


  • “'Eating while black': N.Y. Times admits elite college scapegoated janitors in race hoax. Officials appeased student who claimed she was profiled” by Art Moore


  • “Oregon promotes 'dismantling racism' in math instruction: Is expecting the ‘right’ answer a characteristic of ‘white supremacy’?” by Sara Dogan


  • “School district launches 'anti-racism' training after rope swing mistaken for noose: Cites ‘any reminder of the history of lynching and the abuses and murders of black people’” by Michael Austin


  • “Reparations don't buy justice, dignity or freedom” by Star Parker, in which the black conservative and former “welfare queen” offers lessons from her own life


  • “Serious revolt against Marxist doctrine on campus, new push for 'image of God'” by Bob Unruh


  • “School district warns teachers of 'spirit murder' of blacks: Training sessions contend the United States of America is inherently racist” by Bob Unruh


  • “The anti-white pushers of 'anti-racist' indoctrination” by Michelle Malkin, on how “Toxic resentment has metastasized in academia and spread”


  • “Critical race theory and neo-Marxism in America: Revealing the totally racist views of the 'father of multiculturalism'” by Hanne Nabintu Herland


  • “Is there no end to leftist academic brainwashing?” by Walter E. Williams, who asked if rich Nigerian and Ghanaian immigrants somehow have “white privilege”


  • “Website tracks which colleges embrace training in critical race theory: More than 230 institutions are advocating discrimination … to cure discrimination” by Virginia Allen


  • “Schools should teach this about race, racism and slavery: How to tell students about America’s sins without tricking them into loathing their country” by Dennis Prager


  • “Today's 'approved' history: Fantasy over fact” by Patrice Lewis, on why the horrors of socialism aren't taught in government schools.”

Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian explains the underlying power-play aimed at America’s children: “The Marxist poison that has long plagued America’s colleges and universities is now spilling out and – under cover of “anti-racism training” – revolutionizing public schools across the country. Millions of children are being taught to hate their own country, to feel guilty over crimes they didn’t commit, and to abandon the values that made America the greatest, most prosperous, and least racist nation on earth.”

And Kupelian recalls Abraham Lincoln’s prescient and chilling warning: “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”

“BRAINWASHING AMERICA’S NEXT GENERATION” offers a powerful insider look at exactly what is being done to the current generation in America’s school rooms.