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American Mourning (book)

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By Catherine Moy and Melanie Morgan

" a beautiful, raw war story that breaks the hearts and strengthens the resolve to protect American from her enemies. The truth in these pages is stunning." - Ann Coulter

"Arguably the most poignant portrayal of love, loss, and grief that polarizes our nation today. It moved and astounded me." - David Limbaugh

"The truth in this book will set you free." - Sean Hannity By Catherine Moy and Melanie Morgan

Product Description

"American Mourning" is the story of two families - the Johnsons and the Sheehans - that lost sons in the war against terror. Their sons were buddies—best friends since they first met at Fort Hood in Texas—but the two families have little else in common.

Joe Johnson knew he would have to go to Iraq to see where his son spent his last days on earth. As he slugged through open sewers, he gagged at the stench that smothered the Iraqi slum. It was here that his son Justin died, a roadside bomb ripping through his patrol truck and killing him. Here, Joe would avenge Justin's death.

Like Joe, Cindy Sheehan lost her son in the same Iraqi slums, but she wanted another kind of revenge. Blaming President Bush for Casey's death, she called the Muslim radicals who killed him "freedom fighters." As the suffocating summer humidity reached its peak in Texas, Cindy posted herself outside President Bush's Crawford ranch, demanding that he meet with her. She became a media phenomenon.

The Sheehans and the Johnsons represent the extremes of grief-stricken parents in war, both families magnifying the gap in how Americans view the war on terror. The way they handled themselves after Casey's and Justin's deaths stands in stark contrast.

The bodies of Casey Sheehan and Justin Johnson lie in the dirt of their hometowns. Justin's final resting place is decorated with handmade flags and miniature Uncle Sams. Casey's has no marker to tell the world that he lived, fought and died a hero. Both Joe and Cindy are shooting at ghosts. This is their story. The story of "American Mourning."

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 232 pages
  • Publisher: WND Books; Second edition (October 16, 2006)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1581825404
  • ISBN-13: 978-1581825404
  • Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.8 x 1.1 inches