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Whistleblower Digital Version - September 2022

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About this month's issue: Whistleblower - September 2022


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Tens of millions of American voters, horrified by what has been called the Sovietization of the Biden administration – including the shocking criminalization of dissent and the weaponization of the FBI, whose agents daily arrest, intimidate and persecute the regime’s political opponents – are anxiously wondering whether November’s midterm elections will bring any positive change of direction for a once-great nation now careening toward total destruction.

Although many voices are weighing in on “what’s at stake” in the midterms, ironically no one has expressed it more clearly or forcefully than Joe Biden himself, in his astonishingly dark Sept. 1 “Soul of America” speech, delivered while bathed in ominous, blood-red lights and flanked by Marine guards. Of course, the key to de-coding Biden’s dire warnings about the “greatest threats to America” is to understand that he was engaging in a mirror-perfect case of political projection: Every single evil that Biden ascribed to “MAGA Republicans” – the Left’s new name for America’s vast, center-right middle class – is actually true of today’s Democratic Party and its unhinged supporters.

Consider just a few highlights from Biden’s Orwellian speech, in which he describes half of Republicans as “semi-fascists.” Upon reading each statement, it becomes crystal clear which camp Biden’s words truly describe – his own:

* "MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."

* "MAGA forces ... promote authoritarian leaders, and they fan the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country."

* "MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election."

* "MAGA Republicans ... embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live, not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies."

* "MAGA Republicans look at America and see carnage and darkness and despair. They spread fear and lies. Lies told for profit and power."

Again, by just substituting “Radical Democrats” for “MAGA Republicans,” one has a vivid and uncannily accurate description of the ever-growing neo-communist threat to America.

What’s at work here is not just the common human pathology that psychologists call projection – i.e., attributing one’s own unacceptable qualities and actions to another person or group. It’s also a cynical, cold-blooded political tactic: Projection is extremely effective as a weapon of political warfare. It is, in fact, the essence of virtually everything today’s Democratic Party leaders say from morning to night.

But delving deeper, all of this is rooted in the fact that today’s Democratic Party is, in a very real sense, “possessed” – that is, its political and thought leaders have been taken over by the kind of dark psychological and spiritual forces that readily capture the minds of corrupted human beings who have turned their backs on God and His laws, so that they can be, in effect, their own gods, lording power over others. These exact same forces have animated history's most destructive, cult-like political movements, most obviously communism, which has been metastasizing around the world for the past century – and now has its sights set on America.

Fortunately, even though America is being likened increasingly to a third-world or communist dictatorship – not just because its current rulers crush and punish dissent, but because of their heedless monetary inflation, trashing of the Constitution and continual threats to destroy key American institutions by stacking the Supreme Court, abolishing the electoral college and so on – there is still one thing America retains, one saving grace, one sacred institution that dictatorships from Zimbabwe to communist China do not have.

America still has elections. And in truth, there is no reason the tens of millions of decent, right-thinking American voters cannot slow down, if not entirely stop, the Biden administration’s ever-expanding madness this November.

For that reason, WND has dedicated the September issue of its critically acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine to “STOPPING THE MADNESS: A MIDTERM ELECTION GUIDE FOR VOTERS WHO LOVE AMERICA.”

“STOPPING THE MADNESS” insightfully covers many of the most electrifying and important races to be decided in November, it illuminates the biggest election issues, reveals how the latest federal takeover of elections actually violates the law, and so much more. Looking forward to 2024, the issue also highlights why the chairman of a major think tank recently concluded that “Trump is the most towering political figure in living memory” and the person “most fit to lead” today’s America.

Issue highlights include:

* “What’s truly at stake in the midterm elections” by David Kupelian

* “7 biggest election issues stealing midterms spotlight: Economy, abortion, crime, border security, education, guns, ‘threats to democracy’” by Chelsea Haggard

* “Latest federal takeover of elections violates the law” by Hans von Spakovsky, who says, “Biden’s entire executive order is based on a lie”

* “What's really behind Biden's unhinged Philadelphia rant” by Laura Hollis, who notes, “Today's class of political leaders are vampires with an insatiable lust for power”

* “21 hottest midterm races to watch: Fierce matchups could tip balance of power in Congress, stop Biden in his tracks” by Chelsea Haggard

* “McConnell 'gives up' on winning the Senate: Why is GOP leader throwing in the towel months before the election?” by Joseph Farah

* “Trump proposes 18-point contract with America: 'We are a nation that in many ways has become a joke'” by Art Moore

* “Trump is the most towering political figure in living memory”: Head of major think tank spells out why Donald Trump is the “most fit to lead” today’s America

* “8 in 10 Americans believe Biden-laptop coverup changed the 2020 election result: The rest still believed the false intel narrative that it was Russian disinformation” by Bob Unruh

* “Biden clearly wants civil war: Don't take the bait” by Wayne Allyn Root, who says, “Democrats are going to lose badly if voters keep their eye on the ball.”

Of course, as Whistleblower documents, the now-desperate Democratic Party will try to prevail in November's election by resorting to every manner of election fraud, abuse and corruption for which that party is famous, not to mention Biden’s mysterious executive order mandating every department of the federal government to essentially serve as a Democrat get-out-the-vote machine.

“Therefore," comments author and longtime Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, "here is some advice for Christians, who still constitute the vast majority of Americans and potential voters:

"Every election cycle, millions of American Christians justify being AWOL on Election Day. How is that even possible, one wonders, considering that so much of what today’s Democrats are currently pushing – from congressionally ‘codifying Roe’ so abortion will again be legal throughout America up to the moment of birth, to expanding the satanic craze of amputating body parts of children tricked into believing they’re ‘transgender’ – amounts to a frontal attack on everything Christians consider sacred?"

As Whistleblower explains, the most common rationales cited by Christians for not voting are: "1) their particular church denomination tells them they are 'citizens of heaven' or 'not part of this world' and therefore don’t need to vote; 2) they’re so upset by government corruption they feel contaminated just reading and hearing about it; 3) they believe God will determine who leads America without their help; 4) they believe church and state should be 'separate'; 5) they believe their focus should be the gospel, not politics; and 6) they’ve given up hope of any good ever coming out of Washington, regardless of who is elected, so have given up hope and walked away."

"Hold on," counters Kupelian. “Christian history is full of martyrs, people who were burned alive, sawn in half or crucified to defend their faith, which they endured willingly, even gladly. Today, American Christians are not facing being tortured to death – just driving to their polling place on Election Day and casting a ballot choosing good and not evil, so their children and grandchildren will have a safe and decent country in which to grow up. If there ever was a time to stand strong and resolute, and to vote as though the very future of America as a God-blessed land of unmatched personal liberty, prosperity and goodness is literally at stake, for Heaven's sake, now is that time.”


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