GUARDIANS OF THE SWAMP: How angry, entitled and shockingly dishonest ‘journalists’ are destroying America
“There is no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia.” That was the famous joke during the dark days of the Soviet Union regarding its two major newspapers – Pravda, which means “truth,” and Izvestia, which means “news.”
The sole purpose of those two giant propaganda mills cynically disguised as journalism organizations was to guard, protect, lie for and defend at all costs the elite ruling class in charge of the 20th century’s most destructive totalitarian regime.
Ironically, here in America – the nation that defeated the Soviet Union – almost all of today’s “mainstream media” serves the same purpose as Pravda and Izvestia once did: To protect, defend, and lie day in and day out to preserve this nation’s elite ruling class. That includes the wildly radicalized Democratic Party, as well as the permanent governing bureaucracy called the “deep state,” and even today’s violent neo-Marxist political and cultural blitzkrieg dedicated to tearing down and transforming what they all condemn as an unjust, immoral and irredeemably racist country.
This utter corruption of what was once a vibrant news establishment is insightfully explored in the October issue of WND’s acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled “GUARDIANS OF THE SWAMP: How angry, entitled and shockingly dishonest ‘journalists’ are destroying America.”
A few of the hottest battlegrounds in the establishment media’s war on traditional America:
* Millions of Americans wonder aloud how it’s even possible that someone like Joe Biden – who not only is obviously disintegrating mentally, is wrong on virtually every issue, and lies continually, but also, as reams of new evidence prove, is one of the most spectacularly corrupt politicians in memory – could become the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate.
* Likewise with regard to his vice-presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, who would likely become president sometime during Biden's first term, as he inevitably fades further and fails. In addition to being rated the most leftwing member of the U.S. Senate by the nonpartisan GovTrack.us, Harris has also proven to be one of the most thoroughly unlikable, abrasive, condescending, greedy, grasping, shallow and insincere candidates in a generation.
* As openly Marxist revolutionary groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa have burned, vandalized and looted America’s cities daily for months, destroying businesses, assaulting and sometimes murdering people, today’s journalists have routinely dismissed it all as “mostly peaceful protests” against “systemic racism” and “police brutality” – while complaining loudly that America is actually under siege by “white supremacists.” Those who dare point out that it’s really hard to find many genuine “white supremacists” in today’s America, let alone rampaging hordes of them laying waste to the nation’s cities, are of course immediately condemned as white supremacists themselves.
* Since explosive proof finally emerged that Hillary Clinton was the person behind the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the media have ignored the true story of the worst political scandal in American history: It was Clinton, not Trump, who actually colluded with Russia. It was she who bought Russia’s intelligence product (the fake “Trump dossier”) and then channeled the false, defamatory “intel” through cooperative American news organizations – precisely mirroring the modus operandi of Soviet disinformation campaigns of yesteryear. That is, carefully create a false narrative to advance a secret agenda, and then induce trusted Western media to broadcast the disinformation as “news.”
* Instead of the media apologizing when their four-year Trump-Russia hoax was definitively exposed as a fraud, many of the top-tier deep-state conspirators that engineered the Russia collusion hoax actually joined today’s media! In their post-Obama careers, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan, former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe became either paid cable news analysts or frequent commentators. Most recently, Lisa Page, disgraced FBI agent and paramour of even-more-disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok, was hired as the new national security and legal analyst at NBC News and MSNBC.
* Meanwhile, the promised Biden-Harris agenda – from virtual open borders and mass amnesty, to the confiscation of “assault weapons” (otherwise known as semiautomatic firearms), to eliminating America's fossil fuel industries, to socialized medicine, to fundamentally altering America’s constitutional system of government by “packing” the Supreme Court, eliminating the Senate filibuster, abolishing the Electoral College and much more – would rapidly lead to a totalitarian dictatorship in the United States of America.
Highlights of “GUARDIANS OF THE SWAMP” include:
- “Guardians of the swamp: How angry, entitled and shockingly dishonest ‘journalists’ are destroying America” by David Kupelian
- “N.Y. Times '1619 Project' founder: White people are 'barbaric devils.'” Scholars urge revocation of Pulitzer; Trump threatens cutoff of funding to schools teaching it
- “’Completely made up': N.Y. Times gets caught fabricating stories”
- “Why is the news media now capitalizing 'Black'?” by Dennisi Prager, who says the Associated Press' explanation for the change is pure 'drivel'
- “CNN host: 'We're going to have to blow up the entire system': News anchor calls for dumping the Electoral College in response to Trump’s Supreme Court nomination” by Art Moore
- “The media's embrace of anti-Semitism” by Ben Shapiro, who notes: “Omar and Tlaib are treated as victims rather than pariahs”
- “Media are becoming even more biased – if that's possible” by John Stossel. “CNN sneers at Trump all day”
- “Journalists once took voter fraud seriously” by Jack Cashill, who identifies the Washington Post as 'Exhibit A' in the abandonment of real reporting
- “Ex-Soviet spy chief: Today’s U.S. media guilty of 'socialist-style disinformation’” by Art Moore, who interviews top expert on communist propaganda disguised as ‘news,’ and learns says that’s ‘exactly what we are now facing'
- “Exposing the lie launderers: How the press has become America's primary purveyor of disinformation” by David Kupelian
- “Disinformation expert reveals destructive power of fake news: Former communist spymaster illustrates how easily the American press propagates outright lies” by Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa and Ronald Rychlak
- “Time for the press to end its love affair with Marxism: The New York Times leads the pack in championing utopian mass murder campaigns” by Laura Hollis
- “Hating Tucker: What the Left's vicious attacks on Fox News' star host really symbolize” by Jason D. Hill
- “'Pure evil – it's borderline satanic': Black journalist hammers Dems: 'Why is someone trying to instill that fear in us?'” by Art Moore
- “Gallup: 56% of Americans say they're better off today – despite the pandemic – than they were 4 years ago.”
Recently, Tucker Carlson summed up the future of the American news media with this prophetic statement: “When the smoke clears from this election, there’ll be a massive realignment in the media, no matter who wins. Because they showed who they are, and it’s so unappealing, it’s so far from journalism that it can’t continue.”