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Whistleblower (DIGITAL) - November 2009

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November 2009 - SHADOW GOVERNMENT: Inside the mad, mad, mad, mad world of Obama's czars

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy," warned Obi-Wan Kenobi, while approaching the fictional Mos Eisley spaceport in "Star Wars."

For many Americans, the closest thing on planet Earth to the famous "Star Wars" bar scene, teeming with all its bizarre and malevolent denizens, is the Obama White House with its ever-growing menagerie of radical, unaccountable and utterly weird "czars" advising the president of the United States.

People like regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, who defends the removal of organs from terminally ill patients without their permission. Or Obama's choice of school safety czar, gay activist Kevin Jennings, who actually pioneered the practice of introducing homosexual advocacy into public schools by disguising it as "school safety"! Or science czar John Holdren, who has advocated sterilizing welfare recipients and seizing babies born to unwed mothers, and predicted one billion people would die in "carbon-dioxide induced famines" caused by - are you ready? - a coming new ice age.

And those are just the ones you've already heard about. There are dozens more, and you'll meet them all - up close and personal - in the November issue of WND's monthly Whistleblower magazine, titled "SHADOW GOVERNMENT: Inside the mad, mad, mad, mad world of Obama's czars."

You'll meet people like Equal Employment Opportunity Commissioner nominee Chai Feldblum, who endorses polygamy, and AIDS czar Jeffrey S. Crowley - both openly homosexual. In fact, the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute boasts on its website that at least 60 "LGBT leaders have secured spots in the Obama administration."

Then there's Patrick Gaspard, officially the "director of the office of political affairs," but who critics call "ACORN's man in the White House." And defense policy adviser Rosa Brooks, a George Soros-trained ideologue and anti-military radical who urged the prosecution of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for "war crimes." And FCC diversity czar Mark Lloyd, who believes the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" - unanimously repealed by the FCC in 1987 - was never repealed, wants to destroy conservative talk radio, and described Marxist dictator Hugo Chavez's rise to power in Venezuela as "an incredible revolution."

And the list goes on. And on.

"In bypassing congressional approval and assembling an army of unaccountable czars," says Whistleblower editor David Kupelian, "President Obama is doing precisely the opposite of what he promised before being elected."

Indeed, on March 31, 2008, candidate Obama proclaimed, "The biggest problems that weÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎÌ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎå«Ì´ÌàÌÎÌ_Ì´åÇÌÎå«ÌÎÌÊre facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And thatÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎÌ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎå«Ì´ÌàÌÎÌ_Ì´åÇÌÎå«ÌÎÌÊs what I intend to reverse when IÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎÌ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ__ÌÎÌ_ÌÎ_ÌÎå«Ì´ÌàÌÎÌ_Ì´åÇÌÎå«ÌÎÌÊm president of the United States."

Yet since his election, Obama has zealously pursued the most stunning power grab in modern history, not only through unthinkable federal spending and takeovers of entire industries like automotive and banking and in-progress takeovers of health care and energy, but by creating a virtual shadow government of "czars" within the executive branch.

Just why would a president want to bypass customary Senate confirmation and accountability to congressional oversight committees when appointing his advisers?

Van Jones provided the answer. After Obama's "green jobs czar" was forced to resign in the middle of the night, following widely publicized revelations that he was a self-proclaimed communist and a racist conspiracy-monger, many people asked how Jones could have slipped through the White House's vetting process.

"Jones didn't slip through a sloppy vetting process," explains Kupelian. "He passed it with flying colors. Jones was exactly what Obama wanted. Indeed, as you'll see in this issue of Whistleblower, Obama's czars - unaccountable to anyone on earth but him - are a reflection of his worldview and policy positions. They are a reflection of where Barack Obama wants to take America."

Highlights of "SHADOW GOVERNMENT" include:


  • "Obama's freak show" by Joseph Farah


  • "Obama's shadow government" by David Kupelian


  • "ALL THE PRESIDENT'S CZARS," a comprehensive look at Barack Obama's advisers


  • "Obama's team 'socialists with communist backgrounds'" by Aaron Klein


  • "Holdren: New ice age will kill 1 billion" by Jerome R. Corsi, who shows how deadly the new White House science czar thinks man-made carbon emissions are


  • "Sterilize welfare recipients" by Jerome Corsi, on one of Obama czar John Holdren's policy suggestions


  • "Seize babies born to unwed mothers" by Jerome Corsi, on another of Holdren's controversial theories


  • "Sunstein: Americans too racist for socialism," by Aaron Klein, who documents that the new regulatory czar defends communism, but says America's "white majority" opposes programs aiding blacks and Hispanics


  • "Obama czar pick a 'raving animal rights nut'" by Chelsea Schilling, who documents that Cass Sunstein has advocated a ban on hunting, and giving creatures the right to file lawsuits against humans


  • "Government must fund abortion" by Aaron Klein - more advice from Sunstein


  • "Obama, not courts, should interpret law, says regulatory czar" by Aaron Klein


  • "Obama nominee praised polygamy," on the Obama czar who contends traditional marriage shouldn't have privileged status


  • "The Manchurian candidate" by David Horowitz, who exposes the "Shadow Party" behind Obama's radical administration


  • "Obama adviser defends Shariah law" - profiling Dalia Mogahed


  • "Commies, fascists and perverts, oh my!" by Matt Barber, who answers the question: Who's the most dangerous of all the president's czars?


  • "School-'safety' chief: How to homosexualize schools under guise of 'safety'" by Bob Unruh, a profile of homosexual activist Obama czar Kevin Jennings, who says: "If the Radical Right can succeed in portraying us as preying on children, we will lose"

"Many readers have been asking for this issue of Whistleblower, an in-depth look at Obama's czars," says Kupelian. "Here it is. Prepare to be shocked and amazed."

For a 12-month subscription to Whistleblower, click here.

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