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Whistleblower (DIGITAL) - March 2018

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WHY KIDS BECOME KILLERS: Confronting and reversing the moral disintegration of America

Guns. Bullying. Mental illness. Psychiatric medications. Violent videogames. Fatherlessness. The desire for fame.

Many reasons are invoked to explain why, more and more frequently in today's America, young men are turning into mass murderers.

Yet the absurdly politicized debate over core causes and prevention strategies generates far more heat than light. Liberals blame guns, the National Rifle Association and Republicans, while conservatives blame fatherlessness, godlessness and gun-free zones. But just as with most other life-and-death issues plaguing today's painfully divided America, true consensus as to causes and cures always seems out of reach.

The March 2018 issue of WND's acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine, "WHY KIDS BECOME KILLERS: Confronting and reversing the moral disintegration of America", explores this crisis honestly, deeply and insightfully, and offers genuine solutions.

Before even delving into all the powerful factors involved, Whistleblower starts by documenting something overlooked by almost everyone, the tremendous copycat nature of the mass-killer phenomenon.

Citing recent research, including the peer-reviewed study "Contagion in Mass Killings and School Shootings," Whistleblower reveals that many mass shooters are utterly mesmerized by previous mass murderers, including Sandy Hook killer Adam Lanza who researched multiple-fatality shootings going back to 1891 and maintained a wall of infamous shooters.

Likewise, jihad, the Islamic variety of mass-murder madness, has proven so susceptible to the copycat phenomenon that imitation may be the single most important factor involved, especially since jihad cheerleaders and recruiters encourage precisely that.

For example, after Tunisian-born Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel killed 86 people and wounded at least 430 others by driving a 19-ton truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in the southern French city of Nice in July 2016, a wave of copycat vehicular attacks followed around the world, including major incidents in Vienna, Berlin, London, Antwerp, Stockholm, Paris, Barcelona and Edmonton, as well as a driving-stabbing attack in the U.S. at Ohio State University.

Whistleblower also explodes the myth that ultra-violent videogames don't desensitize, corrupt and even serve as training for mass shooters. President Trump was correct when, following February's school shooting in Parkland, Fla., he said he's "hearing more and more people say the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts."

Indeed, Lanza notched up more than 83,000 "kills" on the violent video games he played morning till night, including 22,000 "head shots," as he literally trained himself for the Sandy Hook massacre.

But that's just the beginning of "WHY KIDS BECOME KILLERS."

Issue highlights include:


  • "Stopping the contagion: On finding the true reasons, and solutions, for America's mass-shooter epidemic" by David Kupelian


  • "Copycat: After Florida massacre, wannabe shooters appear everywhere" by Chelsea Schilling, who documents how in the week following the Parkland massacre, across the nation cops stopped dozens of school attacks before they happened


  • "Don't bet your life on government saving you" by Joseph Farah, a probing look at liberals' response to massacres in "gun-free zones"


  • "What role did meds play in Florida massacre?" by David Kupelian, who documents how prescribed psychotropic drugs were a factor in most other mass shootings, yet the media show no interest


  • "The motives behind the massacre" by Patrick J. Buchanan. "We are a formerly Christian society in an advanced state of decomposition"


  • "Vast majority of deadliest mass shooters in U.S. history were fatherless" by Paul Kengor, who notes: "At the same time, the left is 'now fanatically pushing for fatherless families'"


  • "I go to a school where an attack was foiled. Here's why I'm against limiting gun rights" by Nicole Martin


  • "Mental illness and mass shootings" by Laura Hollis, who argues that "what passes for mandatory background checks is woefully inadequate"


  • "These 17 million Americans can stop mass shootings" by Greg Corombos, an interview with one of America's top firearms researchers


  • "Why the left opposes arming teachers" by Dennis Prager, who reveals how the progressive left "almost always opposes fighting evil and almost always works to disarm the good who want to fight evil"


  • "Broward deputy works for Muslim Brotherhood front group" by Art Moore. A sheriff deputy in Parkland is also a leader of the Council on American-Islamic Relations who conducted weapons training at a radical mosque. Yes, really.


  • "Amazing new breakthrough to reduce mass shootings!" by Ann Coulter, who reveals that 47 percent of such attacks are perpetrated by 1st- or 2nd-generation immigrants


  • "A guaranteed remedy to reduce gun violence at schools" by Chuck Norris. To protect America's children, he says, "we as a country need to do what Israel did."


"How have we come to this day when lost, rage-filled young men fill every waking hour with violent fantasies of murder," asks Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian, "until the accumulated anger explodes into an orgy of unthinkable violence and carnage?"

The March Whistleblower issue, "WHY KIDS BECOME KILLERS", finally answers that question.

Readers may also order a subscription to Whistleblower's print edition at a reduced rate.