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Whistleblower (DIGITAL) - March 2012

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ONE NATION UNDER SURVEILLANCE: "Big Brother is watching" in ways Orwell never dreamed

Everywhere you look, there they are again—staring you in the face.

The four-way traffic cameras at virtually every intersection. Police secretly attaching GPS tracking devices to citizens' automobiles. Invasive TSA pat-downs and nude X-ray scannings—after first being required to raise your hands as though you were being arrested. Internet sites that track your online activities so thoroughly they almost seem to know what you're thinking.

Did you know that the ordinary-looking white van next to you on the highway may house government agents peering at you via backscatter X-ray scanners? Or that Miami and several other U.S. cities are experimenting with drones to spy on their citizens? Do you know how easy it is to track your every movement through your cell phone?

Mesmerized by the amazing convenience and connectedness made possible by gee-whiz consumer electronics, most Americans don't realize their world is rapidly coming to resemble the totalitarian society described by novelist George Orwell in "1984," one characterized by universal surveillance.

In fact, as documented in the stunning March issue of Whistleblower magazine—titled "ONE NATION UNDER SURVEILLANCE"—in today's America, "Big Brother is watching in ways Orwell never dreamed."

"ONE NATION UNDER SURVEILLANCE" comprehensively documents how Americans today face unprecedented attacks—from all directions—not just on their privacy, but on their liberty. Contents include:

  • "One nation under surveillance" by Joseph Farah


  • "Government peering at you with X-rays on the highway" by Michael Carl, revealing what's really inside that plain white van


  • "'Big Mall' watching your every move," showing why shopping mall managers are boasting, "We can see, like migrating birds, where people are going to"


  • "Government eyes turning bugs into spies" by Steve Elwart, on how new micro "drones"—actual real, live insects—are being outfitted with tiny cameras and microphones


  • "Schools electronically spy on fat kids." Imagine your child wearing a special electronic monitoring bracelet that transmits his physiological data back to some school official—all without your knowledge or consent


  • "How dictators get our latest surveillance technology" by David Kupelian, on a special product show nicknamed the "Wiretappers 'ÌÎÌÊ Ball" where virtually anybody from any nation can purchase products that allow users to track hundreds of cell phones at once, read emails by the tens of thousands and much more


  • "Obama czar proposed government 'infiltrate' social network sites" by Aaron Klein, on regulatory "czar" Cass Sunstein's audacious campaign to have government agents surreptitiously go online to "undermine" viewpoints with which they disagree


  • "What feds can learn from Egyptian Internet control" by Chuck Norris, on the Obama administration's unpublicized but relentless quest to regulate cyberspace


  • "Why Google will soon know more about you than your wife does"


  • "Some Americans 'likely' to get cancer from airport scanners" by Jerome Corsi, on top experts who say those X-ray scanners are not as safe as the government claims


  • "Experts warn RFID risks outweigh benefits" by Phil Elmore, who reveals how ubiquitous radio frequency identification is becoming in our lives—at the expense of our security


  • "'Stingray' can find you by tracking your cell phone," on a high-tech device police use to track you by impersonating a cell-phone tower—and the coming Fourth Amendment court battle it is causing


  • "Breathalyzer tests for school kids?" by Bob Unruh, on a school district that forced an innocent girl to take a police sobriety test without even notifying her parents


  • "Court to government: Hands off babies' DNA!" on how one state's ruling has given privacy advocates a big victory in their fight with government


  • "Woman sues state over mandatory 'mark of the beast'" by Bob Unruh, on one citizen's challenge to government's demand for biometrics to obtain a driver's license


  • and much more!

"This issue of Whistleblower will shock you. It will scare you," says WND editor, founder and CEO Joseph Farah. "It will make you see the world in a whole new light."

In fact, adds Farah, "This is one of the most important issues of Whistleblower we have produced in the last 10 years. It's a keeper. It's a reference tool. It's an issue you will want to share with family members and friends."

For a 12-month subscription to Whistleblower, click here.