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Whistleblower (DIGITAL) - January 2014

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THE YEAR OF MANUFACTURED CRISES: With public support vanishing, Obama has only one way left to govern

Can you guess who made the following recent statement?

"Nothing has done more to undermine our economy these past three years than the kind of tactics that create these manufactured crises."

That, believe it or not, was President Obama accusing congressional Republicans of intentionally fomenting chaos and creating crises in order to advance their radical agenda.

In a stunning case of guilt projection, Obama and many Democrat lawmakers have been attacking Republicans—which during the "shutdown showdown" strived mightily to protect Americans from the most catastrophic manufactured crisis of a generation, Obamacare—blaming the GOP for "manufacturing crises."

Moreover, warns the January issue of Whistleblower magazine, Americans should get ready for non-stop crises and blame-games, because that is precisely what the remainder of Obama's presidency will be all about.

Called "THE YEAR OF MANUFACTURED CRISES," this eye-opening report's subtitle sums up everything: "With public support vanishing, Obama has only one way left to govern." Contributing their penetrating insights to this special Whistleblower issue are talk-radio giants Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as Ronald Reagan's top intelligence analyst Herbert E. Meyer, in addition to WND's Joseph Farah, Jerome Corsi, David Kupelian and many others.

So, what's coming next from Obama for the remainder of his presidency? With his popularity and credibility now at Nixonian levels due to his blatant lies about Obamacare, the president at this point has only one way forward, concludes Whistleblower: Crises. Lots of crises.

Without constant chaos—real, imaginary or manufactured—Obama and his agenda would be seen for what they really are, and he would swiftly and surely be impeached by the House of Representatives, convicted by the Senate and removed from office.

But if Americans can be kept distracted and upset by constant crises, leftwing demagoguery and demonization of conservatives and critics—as they have for five years—Obama can make it through the remainder of his second term with his destructive "transformational" policies intact.

With that as the starting point, "THE YEAR OF MANUFACTURED CRISES" takes readers on a jaw-dropping exploration of what Obama will likely do in the coming months and years. Bottom line: Be prepared.

Issue highlights include:


  • "Obama's perfect crisis" by David Kupelian, explaining why creating chaos is "job one" for America's current "transformational president"


  • "Revolution" by Herbert E. Meyer, in which the top Reagan intelligence analyst dispels all doubts as to what is really taking place in America


  • "What Harry Reid's 'nuclear option' is really all about" by Joseph Farah, who says get ready for more surprises, crises, power grabs and outrages from Democrats this year


  • "America is in grave jeopardy" by Mark Levin, in which the top-rated radio talker, attorney and Reagan Justice Department official reveals exactly how Obama intends to rule going forward


  • "Obamacare, the president's signature crisis" by Garth Kant, a comprehensive expose of how Democrat leaders want to transition their disastrous healthcare law into something even worse


  • "Top generals: Obama is 'intentionally weakening and gutting our military'" by F. Michael Maloof, on why so many high-ranking officers see Obama as "emasculating" the military and even destroying the "will to win"


  • "Grand Theft Obama: The biggest heist in U.S. history" by James Simpson, a guided tour of the manufactured crises that make up the Obama presidency


  • "How to create a crisis" by David Kupelian, pinpointing politicians' No. 1 tool for generating chaos and advancing radical agendas


  • "Obama spoiling for another housing meltdown?" by Jerome Corsi, on how the Justice Department's $13 billion subprime loan deal with JPMorgan Chase could help revive the very subprime mortgage market that created the disastrous housing bubble


  • "Riot warnings over food-stamp cuts" by John Aman, on panic that small budget reductions will be "close to catastrophic for many people"


  • "How the government manufactures crime" by Art Moore, on how federal ATF agents have entrapped innocent sources and "knowingly ruined their lives"


  • "Why do you think they wear Che T-shirts?" by Rush Limbaugh, in which the radio giant warns Republicans that until they push back on Democrats' ideology, they'll "never beat them."

"This is an enlightening issue of Whistleblower," said Editor David Kupelian. "For many, reading it will amount to one big 'Aha! moment,' clearing up a lot of confusion and anxiety over what to expect in the coming months and years—and how best to deal with it."

For a 12-month subscription to Whistleblower, click here.