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Whistleblower (DIGITAL) - December 2014

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"We thought that he was going to beI shouldn't say this at Christmastimebut the next messiah," veteran broadcast journalist Barbara Walters told CNN. Newsweek editor Evan Thomas told MSNBC, "I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, aboveabove the world, he's sort of God." And upon Obama's 2012 reelection, Newsweek celebrated the occasion with the front-cover headline, "THE SECOND COMING."

Yet after six years as president, it's clear that not only is Obama not "the next messiah," he's widely regarded as the worst, most dishonest, incompetent, anti-American president in history.

The desire for a messiaha God-anointed person who will lead his people to lasting peace and happinessis embedded deep in the human soul, and is central not just to Christianity and Judaism, but also to Islam, which has its own exotic version of a last-days deliverer.

In fact, polls reveal a large percentage of Muslims currently living in the Middle East believe they will see, in their lifetime, the coming of their messiah, whom they call the Mahdi. But Islam anticipates that the Mahdi will return with a sidekickJesus, whom Muslims call "Isa." The Muslim Jesus is expected to tell the entire world that he is not the son of God, was not crucified and was not resurrected from the dead. Rather, according to Muslim teachings, Jesus' message upon his return will be that he does indeed exist, but that he issurprise!a Muslim, and that all the world must convert to Islam.

Clearly, as history demonstrates again and again, human beings are prone to disastrously appointing false "messiahs" in hopes of solving their deepest problems and leading them to freedom and peace.

But what about the real Messiah?

In a very special Christmas issue titled "OF MESSIAHS FALSE AND TRUE," WND's acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine takes readers on an awe-inspiring and thought-provoking tour through the world of messiahsboth real and fake. While surveying the fraudulent and always-catastrophic "saviors" that wayward souls always seem to elect, Whistleblower illuminates, in a fresh way, the Christmas story and what Jesus Christ really means for a very troubled world.

Issue highlights include:


  • "Messiahs false and true: From Obama to Jesus, why we gravitate toward the type of 'liberator' who enslavesor frees us" by David Kupelian


  • "There's only one true Messiah" by Joseph Farah, about the "Day of the Lord" and when it may come


  • "Elite media: We thought Obama was the 'messiah'" by Joe Kovacs, on top "mainstream" journalists confessing their worship of the hoped-for redeemer


  • Obama the 'Lightworker'where one newspaper columnist describes Obama's "powerful luminosity, a unique high-vibration integrity" that enables him to "help usher in a new way of being on the planet" and "actually help us evolve"


  • "Farrakhan on Obama," in which the Nation of Islam leader says "the Messiah is absolutely speaking" through Obama, and that having "captured the youth," the president will bring about "universal change"


  • "How Obama replaced Christ among blacks" by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, who notes that the book, "The Gospel According to Apostle Barack" says Obama will bring us "Heaven Here on Earth"


  • "Belief in the Mahdi is widespread in the Islamic world" by Joel Richardson, who documents that hundreds of millions of Muslimswell over half a billionexpect their messiah to appear soon


  • "Iranian president thanks Muslim 'messiah' for victory" by Reza Kahlili, who says the nation's supreme leader anticipates that the coming prophet will conquer the world for Islam and kill all infidels


  • "ISIS declares Christians No. 1 enemy"which reveals that in the Mideast, 100,000 Christians are being murdered by Muslims annually
  • "Most Jews wish you a Merry Christmas" by Dennis Prager, on why the secular left hates the most joyous holiday of the year
  • "From Texas Ranger to transformed rebel" by Chuck Norris, in which the superstar actor shares the personal story of his Christian conversion


  • "The miracle of the Bible" by Bob Just, who says Holy Scripture is a best friend, not an intimidating teacher


  • "Rejoice always? Really?" by Greg Laurie, on maintaining your personal peace even when the world is spinning out of control


  • "Not just 2014: How to beat the left every time" by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, on a guaranteed strategy to ensure continual victory


  • "The Christmas carol that stopped a war" by Victor M. Parachin, on the little-known but amazing history of "Silent Night"


  • "Ronald Reagan's Christmas message"In the 40th president's 1981 address to the nation, President Reagan explains that, "Like the shepherds and wise men we Americans have always tried to follow a higher light."

For a 12-month subscription to Whistleblower, click here.