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The Devil Inside the Beltway (Paperback)

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By Michael J. Daugherty

The Shocking Expose of the US Government's Surveillance and Overreach Into Cybersecurity, Medicine and Small Business

Product Description

Michael J. Daugherty, author and CEO of LabMD in Atlanta, uncovers and details an extraordinary government surveillance program that compromised national security and invaded the privacy of tens of millions of online users worldwide.

Background: The FTC, charged with protecting consumers from unfairness and deception, was directed by Congress to investigate software companies in an effort to stop a growing epidemic of file leaks that exposed military, financial and medical data, and the leaks didn't stop there. As a result of numerous missteps, beginning by "working directly with" malware developers such as Limewire instead of investigating them, the agency allowed security leaks to continue for years. When summoned before Congressional Oversight three times since 2003, the agency painted a picture of improving security when in fact leaks were worsening. Then, rather than focus on the real problem of stopping the malware, the FTC diverted Congress' attention from the FTC's failure to protect consumers by playing "get the horses back in the barn." How? By attacking small business.

"The Devil Inside the Beltway" is riveting. It begins when an aggressive cyber-security company, with retired General Wesley Clark on its advisory board, downloads the private health information of thousands of LabMD's patients. The company, Tiversa, campaigns for LabMD to hire them. After numerous failed attempts to procure LabMD's business, Tiversa's lawyer informs LabMD that Tiversa will be handing the downloaded file to the FTC. Within this page turner, Daugherty unveils that Tiversa was already working with Dartmouth, having received a significant portion of a $24 million grant from Homeland Security to monitor for files. The reason for the investigation was this: Peer-to-peer software companies build back doors into their technology that allow for illicit and unapproved file sharing. When individual files are accessed, as in the case of LabMD, proprietary information can be taken. Tiversa, as part of its assignment, downloaded over 13 million files, many containing financial, medical and top secret military data.

Daugherty's book exposes a systematic and alarming investigation by one of the U.S. government's most important agencies. The consequences of their actions will plague Americans and their businesses for years.

Editorial Reviews

"'Government of the people, by the people, for the people' is a phrase we've all learned and believed, but Michael J. Daugherty has learned that government agencies have left that basic American principle behind. His experience chronicled in his ground-breaking book, The Devil Inside the Beltway. For the past six years, Daugherty's Atlanta-based cancer detection center, LabMD, has been the target of an intrusive, destructive Federal Trade Commission witch hunt, fueled by taxpayer dollars and in collusion with external contractors from private enterprise and academia. And Daugherty has stood up rather than back down.

"Daugherty's expose takes its reader on an intense, engrossing journey as he carefully and clearly documents each step he has taken to defend himself and to stand up for health care privacy and business in America. It's a timely narrative, one that applies to all of us. It transcends political party, taking the reader to the center of a government run amok, showing that the foundations of our U.S. freedoms are in danger." - The Heritage Foundation

"Daugherty's book documents a frighteningly systematic and dishonest investigation by one of the US Government's most important agencies, the FTC. His story is written as a riveting true political thriller. The pace is breathless, the arguments detailed and compelling, and the iron will of Daugherty transforms him from government prey to government whistleblower. Daugherty explained about how his pursuit of the American Dream has now turned into the American nightmare. Expect this story to only get bigger in 2014 as Daugherty's book spreads and the medical world gets wind that another government agency wants into their shop." - Christopher Collins,

About the Author

Michael Daugherty is a government whistle-blower by necessity and CEO of a cancer detection laboratory by trade. A small business owner taking on federal agencies with courage that rivals David meeting Goliath, he is on a tireless crusade to honor his constitutional rights and the rights of every U.S. citizen. Daugherty's story of victimization by a cyber-security company linked to federal agencies is not unique; the fact that he is telling his story is. In a play-by-play account of questionable government practices, Daugherty reveals his chilling tale about how our security is not the protection we think it is. His book "The Devil Inside the Beltway" is a must read for anyone who values freedom or takes it for granted.

Product Description

  • Paperback: 504 pages
  • Publisher: Broadland Press; Softcover edition (September 24, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0985742224
  • ISBN-13: 978-0985742225
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds