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Silver Tree of Life 12 inch Vase

Was: $49.99
Now: $19.99
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Mouth blown European vase vase with sandblasted elegant famous Tree of Life design with silver fill done by hand.

Elegant Mouth blown vase with Tree of Life etched in and hand filled with silver. Tree of Life Silver 12" Vase is mouth blown in Poland and sandblasted in fine detail then hand painted. Can you imagine all that artisanship for this price? Its truly a work of art and will enhance nay room it occupies. The Tree Of Life Our Earth Mother Standing tall she plants her feet decisively, Deep rooted in the ground upon which she rests, Her barren look deceives us. She lays in wait.. Although, her branches show wear of a season past, The promise of rebirth is upon the lips Of those who have partaken of her fruit. She offers up her bounty Her splendor delights the eye while offering shade, As Spring brings forth life to her narrow limbs and fills them With a breath of wonder that transports the air. She gives us life.. The Earth Mother To All God Creatures She Is The Tree Of Life..