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Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (Hardcover)

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By John E. O'Neill and Jerome R. Corsi

Book Description

Publication Date: August 15, 2004

In 1971 John O'Neill, the officer who took over John Kerry's swift boat in Vietnam, returned home to find that Kerry had become a leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War and was slandering his fellow veterans. O'Neill debated Kerry in 1971, demolishing his accusations. Here, O'Neill and co-author Jerome Corsi present the voices of more than 200 U.S. Navy veterans who served with Kerry.

Editorial Reviews

"Due to the timing of its publication, Unfit for Command could be dismissed as the sort of controversial, loaded book typical in a presidential election year: Either courageous and necessary, or untruthful and malicious, depending on one's political point of view. Filled with interviews of men who served in Vietnam at the same time as John Kerry, the book poses the following question: 'Why do an overwhelming majority of those who commanded or served with John Kerry oppose him?' (Note that the issue of 'service' has sparked investigation into its definition in other words, just how close was the interaction between Kerry and those cited in the book during Kerry's Vietnam tour of duty?)

"The charges leveled against Kerry in this book are severe and include filing false operating reports; lobbying for and receiving three Purple Hearts for minor wounds, two of which were self-inflicted; receiving a Silver Star under false pretenses; offering false confessions of bogus war crimes in both print and testimony; and recklessness in the field, including the burning of a village without cause or direct order. The book also claims that Kerry left Vietnam after serving just four months instead of the usual one year tour and that he returned home and accused his fellow soldiers of atrocities without offering any evidence, endangering POWs in the process.

"It is debatable whether the book will change any minds, or votes. Instead, readers will likely reach one of two conclusions: Either John Kerry grossly misrepresented his military service or the authors are spinning the interviews that they conducted for ulterior motives. There is a third option, however; readers will further investigate both sides of the debate, and by doing so, may reach conclusions independent of partisan extremes." - Brian Neff

The American Spectator

"The chapters in Unfit for Command are testimonies by swift boat captains and crew who knew current Democratic hopeful John Kerry personally. These men offer no insinuations. Their vignettes are not the paranoid ramblings of obese, low-budget filmmakers. The accusations are laid out in black-and-white for Sen. Kerry to read and respond to. That is, if anyone in the gaggle of reporters he travels with daily would bother to ask him about them." It's hard to believe this could be the man the Democrats have nominated for as their candidate for President of the United States. - Patrick Hynes, Book-of-the-Month

About the Author

Jerome R. Corsi, a Harvard Ph.D., is a WND senior staff reporter. He has authored many books including No. 1 N.Y. Times best-sellers "The Obama Nation" and "Unfit for Command." His other books include "Atomic Iran," "America for Sale" and "The Great Oil Conspiracy."

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 224 pages
  • Publisher: Regnery Publishing; 1st Edition, 1st Printing edition (August 15, 2004)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0895260174
  • ISBN-13: 978-0895260178

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