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November 2024 – 'Morning In America': Despite threats of sabotage, the Trump Revolution is already changing everything

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"If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." – 2 Chronicles 7:14

Americans recently found out what can happen when tens of millions of normal, decent, patriotic, God-fearing citizens fervently pray to Almighty God to have mercy on their beloved but wayward nation – and to save them from falling under the excruciating rule of deranged sociopaths obviously in the grip of very dark forces.

Indeed, most Americans understood they were close to losing, perhaps forever, the greatest and most abundantly blessed nation in history.

Here's how Christian broadcaster and bestselling author Eric Metaxas put it one day after a would-be assassin in Butler, Pa., shot Donald Trump, hitting him in the ear while missing his skull by literally half an inch – and only because Trump suddenly turned his head 90 degrees at the exact right moment:

"I have said repeatedly for months that those who hate Trump would stop at nothing to make sure he doesn't get back in to the White House, including trying to assassinate him. I have also said God's hand is on him, and would protect him, if God forbid someone did try to do that. Last night we saw that happen. His survival was nothing less than a miracle. So be assured that God is not finished with this nation.

"But we need to pray," Metaxas urged. "We are in an existential crisis, and without God, this experiment in self-government will not continue. But it is God's will that it continue. So please pray."

Today, overwhelming relief and thanksgiving for God's mercy are breathing new life and hope –even joy – into the long-suffering American middle class that delivered Donald Trump's landslide victory on Nov. 5, while rejecting the Democrats' manifestly insane agenda.

Indeed, the hard truth is that the modern Democratic Party's agenda has devolved to the point of being not merely insane – say, like its insistence that men can menstruate, get pregnant, give birth and "chest-feed" their baby. It is, in fact, increasingly criminally insane. If that sounds even slightly hyperbolic, consider that the programs pushed full-throttle by the Biden-Harris administration have included (as confirmed by recent official U.S. government statistics) intentionally allowing tens of thousands of convicted murderers and rapists to be released from foreign prisons so they can illegally enter the United States of America and wreak untold havoc on the good people of this nation. Sounds pretty criminal, doesn't it?

So it is not, as Kamala Harris liked to say, that "we have a broken immigration system." It's that the Biden-Harris regime has intentionally broken it – inviting and facilitating murder, sexual assault, terrorism, gang violence, sex-trafficking of women and children, and rampant fentanyl distribution, the No. 1 cause of death of young Americans aged 18-45.

That's not just insane. It's criminal.

Likewise, what about cutting off the breasts of 13- and 14-year-old girls and amputating the genitals of boys who have been seduced by demonically possessed social media "influencers"? Today's Democrat elite love this! Last year, would-be vice president Tim Walz signed a bill, as governor, making Minnesota a sanctuary state for transgender madness targeting children, essentially allowing the state to wrest custody of a child from his or her own parents if they didn't agree with allowing their precious child to be permanently mutilated and chemically sterilized by mad scientists.

The Harris-Walz agenda also featured abortion with no limits – literally up to the very moment of natural birth, which is de facto infanticide. And true to form, in January 2023 Walz signed into law the Protect Reproductive Options Act which stipulated no restrictions whatsoever on abortion at any stage of pregnancy – and enshrining that into the Minnesota Constitution.

Is it any wonder that the American people, who are overwhelmingly NOT interested in brainwashing their children with toxic Marxist ideologies, seeing their nation flooded with tens of thousands of murderers and rapists, killing precious human babies, cutting healthy body parts off their kids, and allowing deranged men to completely destroy women's athletics, said "HELL NO" to the Democrats' agenda and candidates in the recent presidential election?

No wonder Americans are overwhelmingly happy at the prospect of Trump and his team rapidly reversing the destructive and perverse agendas of the Biden-Harris regime.

'Morning in America'

Some much-relieved Americans are now enthusiastically calling Donald Trump the greatest American president since Ronald Reagan, evoking the famous "Morning in America" theme of Reagan's 1984 re-election campaign. And indeed, there are many striking similarities between what Reagan accomplished after the chaotic and financially ruinous Carter presidency, and what Trump accomplished after Barack Obama's toxic and divisive eight years as president.

But of all the things common to both Reagan and Trump, and there are many – their obvious love for America, their insistence on "peace through strength" via a robust military, their enlightened economic policies, their buoyant sense of humor, and the respect they both inspired in foreign leaders – one other similarity is seldom mentioned:

Democrats compared both presidents to Hitler.

That's right. As Steven F. Hayward, author of the 2001 book "The Age Of Reagan" revealed: "Liberals hated Reagan in the 1980s. Pure and simple." For example, he wrote, "Democratic Rep. William Clay of Missouri charged that Reagan was 'trying to replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf.'"

In truth, Democrats have long been addicted to accusing Republicans of being Nazis and their leaders of being Hitler clones. In 2016, this writer documented how five different Washington Post writers explicitly compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler during just that year. And the practice grew exponentially as soon as Trump was elected president.

Unfortunately, accusing an American president of being like Hitler is not merely dishonest and insane, it is a de facto call for his assassination, since the most moral response to the real Adolf Hitler during the Third Reich was to attempt to kill him, and the participants in all of the many plots to assassinate "Der Fuhrer" are today considered heroes.

Yet all of this present madness is understandable in light of the biblical admonition: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" – Isaiah 5:20

Americans of every political persuasion need to come to terms with the inescapable reality that the current Democratic Party – whose leaders have descended to defaming tens of millions of thoroughly decent, moral Americans as "fascists," "racists" and "garbage" – has become the party not just of insanity, but of evil, where good is literally called evil, and evil is called good.

Fortunately, as Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson has astutely pointed out, Trump has actually ushered in a radical realignment of the two main U.S. political parties: "The Democrats are the party of the elite now. But Donald Trump has made the Republican Party the party of the working men and women … of this nation – the people that made this country great."

That bears repeating: Whereas the Democratic Party has long been touted as the party of the working man, and the Republican Party as the political home of the rich and the elite (though not really true, that was how the GOP was long characterized), today Republicans are unquestionably the party of the common working man and woman, while the Democratic Party is widely recognized now as the political home of the elite, the wealthy, the super-rich donor class and globalists.

Winning the war

So, what must good Americans do to hold on to their victory – this precious reprieve God has so graciously granted them – and which may represent their last chance to restore America?

Yes, Nov. 5 represents a great battle decisively won. The sane and normal people are in charge again. But the larger war will continue.

After all, most of America's key institutions, from the "mainstream media" to Big Tech to academia are still almost entirely in the hands of the Left. "Drag queen story hour" brainwashing sessions targeting the nation's toddlers will still take place. Ivy League colleges will still be full of unhinged Marxist professors. And of course, the more out-of-view realms of power and influence – of big money, of the Deep State, of foreign plots, of would-be assassins and every other kind of opposition – are still out there. Media personalities will continue to snipe, defame and try to tear down the Trump administration whenever possible, and to turn Americans against it.

And yet, it won't work.

Why? Because the credibility of the "enemy within" has been destroyed; tens of millions of Americans simply do not believe them anymore. Reports of CNN preparing to fire "hundreds" of staffers and MSNBC's ratings falling more than 50% since the election testify to the reality that Americans have finally awakened to – and firmly rejected – the lies being directed at them daily by the Left.

In light of all this, it's reasonable to take a leap of faith and simply dare to affirm that America is back.

The dream of America as a land of unmatched freedom and opportunity goes back to the settlers who celebrated that first Thanksgiving just over four centuries ago in 1621, when it really sank in to all involved that this land – America – was truly their home, a blessed land of unfathomably great potential for freedom and brotherhood.

Many Americans today thought this wonderful dream might have been lost forever, that their once-great nation had just sunk too deep into the muck of corruption and delusion and evil. But thanks be to God, America is back.

Yes, the Almighty picked someone to lead the current charge – Donald Trump. But this blessing goes beyond Trump. America itself is back – as long as true Americans hold fast to it, and honor and protect it.

To explore more deeply where America is right now, and what must happen to preserve the recent victories and leverage them into a true and complete renaissance of American freedom, read the new monthly Whistleblower Special Report from WND, titled "MORNING IN AMERICA: Despite threats of sabotage, the Trump Revolution is already changing everything."

Highlights of "MORNING IN AMERICA" include:

* "How God blessed the USA" by David Kupelian

* "Franklin Graham compiles eye-opening list of winners in the 2024 election: 'This win is historic in many ways. Millions and millions of people were praying, and I believe God heard their prayers'" by Bob Unruh

* "'How Great Thou Art': At 3 a.m. on election night, Trump supporters celebrate 'in awesome wonder' with memorable tribute to God"

* "Trump's win: The normal people strike back. It turns out the American dream is still alive in the hearts of Americans" by Ben Shapiro

* "Our election's utter losers and winners: 'Democrats will blame everyone and everything – except themselves, who sought to drive down the American people's throat the most radical and absurd agenda of the last two centuries'" by Victor Davis Hanson

* "Who did the billionaires back for president: Trump or Harris?" by Robert Schmad

* "The Democrats' 2020 victory: A blessing in disguise. 'Most Americans now know that the Left is morally and psychologically sick'" by Dennis Prager

* "Is the Left preparing for war after Trump’s victory? 'Forecasts read like paranoid fantasy, but they’re carefully scripted inversions of reality'" by Lee Smith

* "The 'Garbage Saint' president: All in for the people. 'With Trumpism triumphant, many now hope for a more just world and a better future' by Hanne Nabintu Herland

* "What's behind Trump's huge gains with black men? His populist realignment of America's political parties has caused a radical shift in the electorate" by Jarrett Stepman

* "The death of Obamaism – and the historic MAGA opportunity: 'America's cultural and civilizational divide, which was reflected in this election, is … between normalcy and sanity on the one hand, and decadence and freakishness on the other hand' by Josh Hammer

* "Vivek Ramaswamy explains Trump's sweeping victory… and what it means for America's future: 'I think the revival of our national self-confidence is the most important thing Donald Trump has delivered'

* "President Trump's plan to protect children from 'left-wing gender insanity' – in his own words: 'No serious country should be telling its children that they were born with the wrong gender – a concept that was never heard of in all of human history'"

* "The Trump Doctrine: 'The most successful foreign policy of any president since Ronald Reagan'" by Ben Shapiro

* "Trump's stunning plan to dismantle the 'Deep State': Described as the 'most important 3 minutes of video on the internet'" by Bob Unruh

* "Global warming was the big election loser: 'Every poll in recent years has shown climate change ranks near the bottom of voter concerns'" by Stephen Moore

* "Here's what would happen if Democrats had their way and eliminated fossil fuels"

* "1 more post-election victory: Americans no longer believe the 'mainstream media': 'The establishment press are less trusted than virtually any major institution in American life'" by David Harsanyi

* "Trump's win 'isn’t the finish line – it's the starting point': 'If the sea of red from the election is any indication, Americans are energized as never before to put this country back on the right track'" by Suzanne Bowdey.

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