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Whistleblower (DIGITAL VERSION) - April 2019

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HATING MEN: The left's ultimate strategy for overturning Judeo-Christian America

During the '70s and '80s, many famous feminist leaders denounced marriage as "slavery" and "legalized rape" and condemned all men as predatory and abusive. But these were obviously fringe positions and most people regarded them as such.

Today, however, hatred of men is back in vogue – and much more mainstream. The evidence is everywhere.

The Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings saw a respected jurist and family man with an impeccable record viciously condemned as a serial rapist on virtually no evidence. Even the Senate Judiciary Committee that confirmed his nomination was castigated for being composed predominantly of "old white men."

However, it's not just high-profile individuals, but all men that are currently being attacked with today's weapon of choice, the accusation of "toxic masculinity." In fact, the American Psychological Association recently issued a report flat-out condemning "traditional masculinity" as "psychologically harmful" to boys and men, leading to sexual harassment of women and encouraging "homophobia."

Attacks on men and "toxic masculinity" now dominate today's elite sphere, particularly on university campuses awash with courses titled "Rethink Masculinity," "Male Melancholia: Crisis Masculinity," "White Men, Aggrieved Entitlement, and Violence" and "HashtagAllMen: A Reflection on Men’s Complicity in Rape Culture."

This ever-growing antagonism toward men has developed to the point that many progressives, for whom identity politics is their singular yardstick for personal and national morality, argue that since the last 45 presidents have been men, America must have a woman president.

With the siren song thus wailing, an ever-growing number of Democrat women are heeding the call and running for president – including Sen. Kamala Harris, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and author/activist Marianne Williamson. Others, like failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, say they may jump in as well.

All of this and much more is explored in the powerful and groundbreaking April issue of Whistleblower, titled "HATING MEN: The left's ultimate strategy for overturning Judeo-Christian America."

"Despite all the remarkable advances we have made in gender equality," explains British author and journalist Tim Lott, "the idea that all men are the enemy of all women has been given a new lease of life, helped by the disgrace of Harvey Weinstein, the rise of Donald Trump and the successes of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements."

Thus, the Washington Post recently featured the article, "Why can’t we hate men?" by Northeastern University sociology professor Suzanna Danuta Walters, who asks: "In this moment, here in the land of legislatively legitimated toxic masculinity, is it really so illogical to hate men?" 

Walters closes with this challenge: "So men, if you really are #WithUs and would like us to not hate you for all the millennia of woe you have produced and benefited from, start with this: Lean out so we can actually just stand up without being beaten down. Pledge to vote for feminist women only. Don’t run for office. Don’t be in charge of anything. Step away from the power. We got this. And please know that your crocodile tears won’t be wiped away by us anymore. We have every right to hate you. You have done us wrong. #BecausePatriarchy. It is long past time to play hard for Team Feminism. And win."

Highlights of "HATING MEN" include:

  • "The rise of the rebel queen: Why hatred of men is rising in America" by David Kupelian
  • "Scientists making war on 'traditional masculinity' are political hacks: The American Psychological Association now says being a manly man is 'psychologically harmful'" by Ben Shapiro
  • "Christians urged not to think of God as Father: Female bishop says, 'I don’t want young girls or young boys to hear us constantly refer to God as He'" by Joe Kovacs
  • "Are women malcontents? Why pampered, successful young women attending the best universities complain they're oppressed" by Dennis Prager
  • "The war on fathers: How the feminization of America hurts men and boys" by David Kupelian
  • "Surprise! Study confirms boys and girls are born different"
  • "Many businesses are afraid to hire women: Inevitable workplace backlash against the #MeToo and 'Believe Women' movements" by Patrice Lewis
  • "Patriarchy-defending prof, Jordan Peterson, calls out 'willful blindness': Universities calling America 'tyrannical patriarchy' are gripped by 'very deep resentment and historical ignorance'" by John Stossel
  • "Procter & Gamble's toxic sanctimony: Gillette ad tries 'to cram odious politics down consumers' throats'" by Michelle Malkin
  • "More women being in the workforce is NOT worth cheering: Re-thinking wild congressional response to president's recent applause line" by Dennis Prager
  • "Demonizing white men: Popular teen magazine says, 'White male terrorism is as dangerous as Islamic extremism'" by Walter Williams
  • "How gender identity extremism at the U.N. threatens the rights of real women and girls: Policy allows 'male sex offenders to erase criminal pasts from the public record by renaming themselves as women'" by Grace Melton
  • "How feminists decimated marriage in America: It wasn't an accident; it was their primary intention" by David Kupelian

"Here's the big question," says Whistleblower Editor David Kupelian. "How can intelligent, educated adults in 2019 America, where women are freer and better off than in any country or at any time in history, possibly be consumed with such unbridled hatred for an entire group that comprises fully half of the population? Especially when that half of the population has fought all of our wars, cleared all of our wilderness, invented almost everything, constructed our civilization, and protected and sacrificed itself for women and children from day one."

Adds Kupelian, "For Western nations like America that are rapidly transitioning into post-Christian societies, two opposite worldviews now openly war with each other. One is the traditional Judeo-Christian, biblical, patriarchal model and the other is based on neo-Marxist notions of radical equality. This issue of Whistleblower explores how and why all this is happening, and the true nature of the grand conflict in which we are all now engaged." 

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