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My War Documentary (DVD)

MSRP: $80.00
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Click here to get this documentary PLUS the "My War" graphic novel together, and save $15!

Show your support for holding the media accountable while we stand together for liberty the way our Founding Fathers intended, as one Nation Under God.

Buying the "My War" DVD series, which debunks MSNBC, Rachel Maddow and other media lies, will do two things: You will team up with us as the proceeds go to the cause of justice, while receiving a powerful documentary series that brings answers to the dilemma America faces today.

This unique documentary encompasses the huge spectrum of issues we face in our society and takes you back to the foundation of our country, to give understanding and clarity of who our Founders were and their true intentions when they established this Judeo-Christian nation.

Watch as Bradlee Dean and his crew go into the public school system with the truth, while exposing the lies being thrown on our young, and watch the contention build!

This documentary will give you insight into topics such as:
Our Founding Fathers
The Constitution
What your kids are being taught in public schools
The myth of alcoholism
Drug abuse
Hollywood and the moral decline of our nation
The spiritual heritage and foundation of the United States
The lies in the media, and much more
And last but not least, see the YCRBYCHI crew being kicked out of schools, even being escorted by police, for hitting on the topics above!

Witness firsthand some of the 331 high school assembly programs done by Bradlee Dean and his crew, and watch in disbelief as you see an agenda that attacks the truth at all costs and people who will say or do just about anything to push an illegal agenda on the American people.

Little did they know they were on camera the whole time! "My War" not only shows you the problems that our nation faces today, but also gives you the answers you need to take action!

The "My War" documentary series will not leave you feeling hopeless and helpless, but empowered and emboldened to stand up and fight, as David did to Goliath, and win the day!

Perfect viewing for all ages, this documentary is a series every household in America needs to have. "My War" will bring you to the fight, lay out the battle plans and equip you to make a difference!

Product Details

DVD Set: 5 discs
Director: Bradlee Dean
Shipping weight: 1.2 lbs